Tuesday, July 28, 2009

tagged by a boring people..

Think back six months ago, were you single?
๐ NO.

How do you feel right now?
๐ Very annoying.

Do you have a piggy bank that's actually shaped like a pig?
๐ Yes,when 10 years old my God mother gave me as my bday present.

Do you want to start over with anyone?
๐ No.

What are you supposed to be doing right now?
๐ On bed,because now is already midnight.

True love or 1 billion bucks?
๐ True love.

Anything you would change about your life right now?
๐ Many things, but mostly could be changed by myself.

You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get?
๐ Wont get any tattoo on my body.

Could you cry right now?
๐ No.

Do you ever think about stuff and start crying?
๐ Yes.

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
๐ Sometimes.

Are you okay with the life you live?
๐ Yes,i think so.

Last person you told a secret to?
๐ Johan.

Do you like hugs?
๐ Yes, but still it depends who's d person.

Do you believe true love can conquer anything?
๐ No,i believe the TRUST can conquer anything.

When is the last time you cried?
๐ This afternoon when i bath.

How much money did you spend today?
๐ RM 3.50 for the fried mee,and RM3.80 for taking teksi.

Where are you sitting on right now?
๐ In my room,in front of laptop.

Who's the last person you text with?
๐ Johan

What's something you really want right now, be honest.
๐ Anything,except those annoying thing.

How do you feel about your hair right now?
๐ Messy.

What did you do yesterday?
๐ Morning went class,afternoon watched movie,nite do assigment.

Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret?
๐ Depends on who.

Is there someone that makes you happy every time you speak with them?
๐ I think so, maybe.

When's the last time you said you were fine and you really weren't?
๐ Just now.

Is someone on your mind right now?
๐ Yes.

Who's birthday is coming up?
๐ Dont know,need check my note book.

Were you happy when you woke up?
๐ Depend on the mood.

What is one emotion you are feeling right now?
๐ :(

What's the last thing you ate?
๐ Salad.

Are you easy to get along with?
๐ Yes,i guess laa.

What are you listening now?
๐ No listen anything,just want in silent mode right now.